I begin with you.
I listen to you and your story.
I use the hectic, overly committed life that you lead and the foods you eat to build a picture of you.
Nutritional therapy is not about pushing you into a diet that is unsustainable. It is about seeing the whole of you in context and making small adjustments over time to ensure that you are eating everything you need to keep the complex machine you sit inside, your body working perfectly. Thus all the protocols I write for you will be unique to you, the recipes I suggest will be chosen to fit your nutritional needs at that time. The lifestyle advice will be personal to you and will be discussed with you to check that you feel it is right for you and easy to fit into the life you lead. All constructed to support your understanding of what your needs are and how to achieve the perfect balance – which we call health.
So click the button at the top and come and talk to me.
I work in Taunton, Somerset and around the world using video clinics, so nowhere is too far away!
At a mini health review
During a 30 minute phone call we will discuss your health concerns, you goals for where you would like to be and whether or not you feel that nutritional therapy is right for you. I will talk you through my programme options and we can discuss the next step for you.
At a major consultation
Over 90 minutes we will discuss your health and medical history in detail, go through any medications or supplements you are taking and discuss your diet and lifestyle in depth too. We will also discuss a protocol with the advice and suggestions for the first steps on your path back to health and supplements that may help you in the initial stages.
At a follow up consultation
Over 60 minutes we will discuss how you have got on with the first protocol. What you liked, which symptoms have improved and the next steps for you. You will receive another protocol with detailed notes on what to do next.
At a final consultation
Over 60 minutes we will discuss how far you have come over the length of the programme. We will review you symptoms from the beginning, talk through what was work and which parts of the programme need to be kept in place. You finish the programme with a final protocol with suggestions for keeping up the progress you have made and diet and lifestyle advice for the future